Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Final Project

For my final drawing of me in a chosen environment, I chose to create a simple and non intrusive background.  I prefer to keep life simple and enjoy the small things that might not matter to others but do to me. Therefore I kept a plain background to depict that and drew some flowers that show me smelling them to depict that life is simple and can be very busy however sometimes you need to remove yourself and "stop and smell the flowers" and embrace some "you" time. 

I believe that through my 14 weeks of participating in this drawing class that I have learned to utilize value and perspective more effectively and feel much more prepared when completing a drawing that utilizes those concepts. Unfortunately I'm still not confident in completing drawings of myself or other human simply because I have not captured that skill throughout this course.  From my first and final self portrait I cannot see any huge differences from week one to week 14 however I can say that at least in my final drawing I was able to attempt to depict my eyes in the drawing.  I believe that my proportions are slightly off in my final drawing compared to my first one however despite me not perfecting that skill, I am very proud of myself for being able to complete this course without being too far off from the expectations seeing how I have difficulty completing detailed-oriented tasks such as completing artwork. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Part II

Here is my attempt at using my rubbings to create a collage effect with value of my still lifes .. This was the best one I had done.. I didn't think it'd be as hard as it was!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Part I

Here are my rubbings and printings. I rubbed a leaf with various mediums and also a quarter but it did not come out looking like a quarter... I used a tip of a shoe for one print, a scrunched up paper towel for one, a marker top, and a bottle top for another.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Midterm Portfolio

Gesture Drawing: Lamp

Gesture Drawing: Friend posing, kept picking up his leg

Gesture Drawing: Child sleeping

Negative Space

Positive Space

Contour Line of All Still Lifes

Plane and Volume with Still Lifes

Circular Value 

Final Value of All Still Lifes

Left: Implied Line 
Right: Lyrical Line -What I saw looking into the other room

Cross Contour Line

Best Contour Line : Quick Contour 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Line Drawings

Upper Left:  Basic Contour Line Lower Left:  Implied Line
Upper Right:  Quick Contour Lower Right: Lyrical Line
Final White Paper Basic Contour
Slow contour Line
Quick Contour
Basic Contour Line

I apologize for the difficulty seeing the contour line drawings on the large pieces of newsprint. Apparently they do not show up well on it no matter how much lighting you have on them!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Value Objects

I apologize however the picture that was taken of all of my objects together showing value was deleted from my camera when the photos were loaded and it some how was not loaded to the computer with the other ones.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Positive and Negative Space, Contour Line of Still Life

This is my Positive Space drawing. I used the entertainment center as one piece of furniture, the cable box as another the television, and the lamp as the others. I am very happy as to how these came out!

This is the same drawing as above except it shows the Negative Space.

This is my contour line drawing of the still life objects. 

Gesture Drawings 2

Sorry the second drawing is side ways. I rotated it in the file yet it keeps showing it this way..